PopMyBerry is now in Johor Bahruuu :D
Friday, December 16, 2011 | 0 comments
RM 188 for full set
PopMyBerry :3
Yeayy yeayyy ! PopMyBerry got a new branch in Johor Bahru. Well actually, popmyberry dah ada kat JayBee since April. Tak silapp leww. Hihi, so, Johorean no need to go to KL lahh. Pergi je kat JB punye branch. Jb kat mana ? Just around the Danga Bay. Ade org kate dekat belakang Tune Hotel. Hee, pepandai lah cari yee :3 Tengokk Casing yang kat atas tu. The pink one, wahhh, can't wait to have that ^^ I'm so Terujaaaaaa right now. Haha xD So, any information you can get from this site > http://popmyberry.blogspot.com/ , http://www.popmyberry.com/ ,
GoGoGo customize your Blackberry now ! :D